Tuesday, February 17, 2009


The greatest cause of death in America is heart and blood vessel disease. The greatest cause of pain and disability is the nation's crumbling skel­etons, associated with osteoporosis, arthritis, and joint disease. The single vitamin that is the most anti plaque, as well as the most bone-building and bone-healing, is vitamin K2. The main source of K2 is butter oil that is, butter from cows that eat newly sprouted and growing green grass.

So just how much damage has the food industry and medical profession done by condemning butter and promoting cancer-causing, heart-stopping, inflammation-inducing margarines and "heart-healthy" fake foods and oils? All you need do is look at the legions of people with heart and blood vessel disease, arthritis, and osteoporosis.

This misguided recommendation from most physicians to avoid butter and instead consume these plastic-like liquids and semi-solids has been going on now for more than 25 years. It has taken a huge toll on the nation's health, even as it has propped up the processed food industry. And the medical profession has benefited as well with billions of dollars going to doctors, drug companies, and surgeons for band-aid surgeries and for hundreds of prescription drugs to treat the symptoms of crumbling skeletons and nutritionally deficient hearts and blood vessel systems.

It is hard to believe that 20 years ago I wrote about the dangers of margarines and processed vegetable oils. Of course, I am a quack, so no one paid attention. Once again, we are reaping what we have sown by not listening to the facts and by continuing to follow misguided advice from our medical leaders.

Vitamin K2 and Activator X

If you want to get healthy and avoid heart disease, or even reverse heart and blood vessel disease, you need to consume vitamin K2 and Activator X (also known as the Wulzen Factor). If you want to prevent osteoporosis and/or rebuild your joints and skeleton, you need to consume K2 and Activator X. And you need to avoid margarines and the other ridiculous non-foods hawked day in and day out by food processors and their accomplices doctors.

The best source of vitamin K2 (unless you like fish eggs) is egg yolks and butter oil (that is, butter made from fresh milk derived from cows that eat newly sprouted green grasses). With K2 you can fight blood vessel plaque and keep your joints healthy, strong, and flexible. Organic, raw butter contains some K2 and Activator X. However, by far, the best source is X-FactorTM Gold High Vitamin Butter Oil capsules. I recommend from 2 to 12 capsules for people who suffer from heart, blood vessel, bone, and joint problems.

Activator X is a mineral activator. In other words, it aids your body's absorption of minerals needed by your heart, blood vessels, and skeleton. Margarines and processed foods and oils do just the opposite that is, they hinder your body's mineral absorption. And when butter oil capsules are consumed with the proper heart or skeletal nutritional protocol, magic can happen even with serious cases.

In some cases where there is severe blood vessel and/or joint problems, 12 capsules daily are needed for up to a year. As discussed, this type of butter works best with the other supplements needed for the heart, blood vessels, and/or joints, along with a tablespoon of Blue Ice" High Vitamin Cod Liver Oil daily. This type of oil contains plenty of the real vitamins A and D. So don't be fooled by most doctors' advice. When it comes to most degenerative diseases, what you eat and do not eat makes all the difference. Do not consume these poisonous liquid "plastics" while you avoid the very nutrient-dense foods that you need.

Butter oil capsules are real butter. And when you taste them, you will be very surprised. They do not taste like the butter you are used to. Butter oil is scarce and difficult to get into a supplement form. Our supplier has farms in Nebraska where the right butter is produced, but it is often not enough. So large organic farms in Argentina are used. This requires regular scrutiny to make sure that the cows are indeed eating rapidly growing green grasses, and that the butter contains adequate amounts of vitamin K2 and Activator X.

Many nutritional experts consider vitamin K2 and Activator X the same nutrient. The truth is that no one really knows. Just as there are hundreds of variations of vitamin D (not just D2 and D3), these two critical nutrients may be identical or just a slight variation of one another. It makes no difference because when you eat the correct foods you are assured of getting both. That is why nutrient-dense foods, whole-food concentrates, and supplements made from whole foods (including raw bone and even some glands) are the way to go.

When you consume these foods and supple­ments, you are getting the entire nutritional, biochemical, and phytochemical tapestry of nutri­ents—such as all the variations of vitamin D, K2 and Activator X, B4 and all the other B vitamins, and on and on. These whole nutritional complexes are rocket fuel for your body. And they include the major nutrients as well as the minor, little known, and even unknown nutritional factors that enhance the digestion, assimilation, and use of the nutrition.

These minor factors include vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, mineral activators (such as Activa­tor X), enzymes, coenzymes (such as CoQ10), plant sterols, and more. This is the way to rebuild your blood vessels, heart, bones, and joints. Not with margarine!

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