If your adrenal glands are not working properly, you may suffer from chronic fatigue, hypoglycemia, lowered resistance to colds and infections, blood pressure problems, asthma, weak ligaments, ridged nails, allergies, dizziness, and more. Old-time healers were well aware of this, and they paid close attention to the adrenal gland system in sick patients. They used foods and supplements to enhance the adrenal glands, and they monitored patients and charted their progress back to normal.
Posture and Adrenal Glands
Using postural alterations is an easy way to test the integrity of the adrenal glands. A postural test is not an examination of the way you stand up straight. Rather, it is taking your blood pressure in two different postures to evaluate your adrenal glands. You see, once you are lying down, your blood has a tendency to pool in deep areas of the body. When you jump up suddenly, your heart cannot normally pump blood up to your brain fast enough to keep you from getting dizzy and falling over. This is where your adrenal glands come in.
Sensing your postural change, your adrenal glands instantaneously secrete adrenal hormones which immediately induce a rise in blood pressure which normalizes blood flow to your brain. This phenomenal response occurs in a matter of milli-seconds, and it provides us with an easy way to test the adrenals. You will need a partner and a blood pressure cuff to perform this simple test.
Lie flat on your back and after several minutes take your blood pressure and record it. Leave the blood pressure cuff on your arm and immediately stand up. Take the blood pressure again as soon as you are standing and record it. This test is called the Ragland test. If your adrenal glands are working properly, your blood pressure (the systolic or first number) will rise. If it drops five points or less, you are experiencing mild adrenal weakness. If it drops six to ten points, your adrenal glands are in worse shape. If it drops more than ten points, you are bordering on adrenal failure.
Remarkably, more than half of all patients will fail this test. Some of the main causes for adrenal failure are drugs including Prednisone and other hormones, chronic stress, severe emotional burden, refined diet with too many carbohydrates, synthetic vitamins, ascorbic acid in high doses, a chronically toxic liver and/or congested kidneys, and more. Left alone, this condition will worsen, leading to chronic, intractable, debilitating conditions.
What to Do
Naturally, as with all conditions like this, the causes must be removed or diminished. This includes all the potential causes (as listed previously). In addition, real whole food or fuel for the adrenal glands is needed to help them recover. We use Drenamin from Standard Process Labs at a dose of two to three, three times daily. You can even test this product after a month. Simply perform the same Ragland test with a Drenamin tablet in your mouth. If your blood pressure rises normally, you have in-disputable proof of its effectiveness.
Drenamin contains adrenal gland protomorphogen (tissue extract) and real vitamins B and C from plant and animal sources. The adrenal glands are rich in vitamin C and need whole vitamin C complex (which includes bioflavonoids, organic copper, and more) in adequate doses to function normally. The same is true for B complex vitamins (including riboflavin). When it comes to adrenal function, there is no product that is better. If you doubt this, simply perform the Ragland test with different products and see for yourself. When 50 to 80% of the general patient population cannot pass the Ragland test, it clearly shows that the daily fare of synthetic vitamins, hormones, drugs, bad diet, and lots of stress is killing Americans by the millions. I do not want you to be one of them.
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