In February 2008, a federal advisory panel advised that all children (except for some under 6 months old) should be vaccinated for the flu. That means that 30 million more kids will be shot up—and according to medical experts preferably twice each year! These recommendations set the stage for the largest expansion of flu vaccination in U.S. history. And since the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) routinely adopts the recommendations of the panel, this abomination is probably going to happen.
The experts say that flu shots will slow flu infection among children. There is no science to show this. They suggest that if kids don't get the flu as much, the illness will be prevented from spreading to adults and the elderly. There is no science to show this. They say that 36,000 people die from the flu each year. There is only pseudo-science to show this since many in this count actually die from pneumonia. Other public health experts put the number of annual flu deaths at less than 2,000.
The experts are afraid that the public is losing faith in the flu vaccine. This loss of faith has been growing, and this year's (2007/2008) vaccine failure only added to the number of those abandoning flu shots. There is real science to show this, and it is the truth.
Flu vaccines are big business—especially if you can gain 30 million more patients! When it comes to you, your kids, and your grandkids, would you shoot up (twice for kids) if you knew that the flu vaccine contained:
● thimerosal (a mercury chemical added as preservative). Mercury is the most toxic brain poison on earth.
● formaldehyde (used to kill viruses).
● ethylene glycol (commonly known as antifreeze; it is used as a disinfectant in the vaccine).
● aluminum (used to promote the antibody response).
What To Do
I would never, ever give my child a flu vaccination. And unless you, your child, or grandchild has a specific medical reason, rethink flu shots. Instead use common sense and natural phytonutrients that offer you an opportunity to strengthen your own immunity to colds and flu. Take a teaspoon to tablespoon of Blue Ice TM Fermented High Vitamin Cod Liver Oil daily to get real anti-flu vitamins A and D. Give your kids a half teaspoon, and toddlers a quarter teaspoon.
Take Immuplex (3 daily) to help build a strong immune response. And for kids, you can accomplish the same thing with Congaplex (3 daily). If they can't swallow pills, give them 4 to 6 in the chewable form. And at the first sign of a cold or flu, take 2 Congaplex every hour for the first 48 hours (children can take 1 every hour). This often helps stop a cold dead, or at least diminish its severity. Immuplex and Congaplex are produced by Standard Process.
Eat lots of nutrient-dense whole foods, drink plenty of pure water, get some exercise, and simply avoid or diminish colds and flu naturally. Enough with the flu vaccine already! The scam to stick 30 million more kids is ridiculous.